Elevate Your Life

Rise & Thrive Wholeness Coaching

Welcome seekers of well-being for your whole-being.

We love to work with…

  • Individuals feeling stuck or dissatisfied, wondering “What am I missing?” or “Isn’t there more to life than this?”

  • Those in, or going into, life transitions who want support to accept and embrace change “How will I get through this?”

  • People who want to love and honour themselves completely, including their shadows and shame “How do I love all of myself?”

  • Those wanting to be in a community with like-minded individuals as they take the steps to elevate their lives. “Who is with me?”

Have we met?

If not, we should! Let me introduce myself…my name is Chrissy Cordingley and I am the founder of Rise and Thrive Wholeness Coaching and host of The Flare Up Show.

As a human, I am a mom of two, a romantic partner, a daughter, a friend and lover of life. My career has had many twists and turns where I have been a safety specialist, a sales director, a travel agent, an executive, an entrepreneur, a professional writer, speaker, and through it all I have discovered my greatest joy and talent - coaching.

I love helping people discover their inner greatness, helping to turn their walk of shame into a stride of confidence. Help them discover what their unique awesome sauce is and walk beside them as they live to create a happy and successful life on their terms.

In 2022 I thought I had it all figured out. Then I lost my home, my job, and nearly my life when inflicted with a brain injury due to a severe COVID-19 infection. I had to relearn how to talk and sleep again. Yes, I forgot how to sleep, and sleep is critical to brain health.

I spent many months recovering and reducing the residual symptoms of brain healing including crippling panic, body tremors, and loss of memory. I was a single mom with no income, I honestly thought my life was over and the person I blamed most was myself.

Accountability is healthy, however, overresponsibility for the ebbs and flows of life or the actions of others is a trauma response. I was addicted to codependent relationships and the belief that danger was around every single corner. The energy of hypervigilance was providing a false sense of vigor and vitality.

I have had abundant opportunities to learn and grow, including the launch of a partnership corporation with Ignite Purpose, helping corporations be #BetterTogether

Once I learned to love my WHOLE self and treat myself with dignity love showed up everywhere, even in my romantic life!

I want you to love your whole self too and have what your heart desires, in the way you want to make it happen. When you work with me, you are the drive, I am just the tour guide who will make sure you have everything you need for a safe and successful trip!

You deserve to work with me because your journey to wholeness is not just a path, but a sacred adventure waiting to be explored, nurtured, and celebrated together
— Chrissy Cordingley


Click the “Schedule time with me” widget at the bottom right of the screen or scroll down to book an Elevate and Empower Session or Oracle Card Reading Session.

You can also reach out to me directly to schedule via email. Sign up for my newsletter to be first in line as new services and free events become available.

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